
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Kritik an: Welte, Voegelin; Wurzel d. statischen Denkens; Logik - verifizierbare Möglichkeit; Metaphysik, Dogma

Kurzinhalt: static thinking has its source, not in Greek or other metaphysics, but in any doctrine that gives one-sided attention to logic;

Textausschnitt: 31/12 Besides presence, the Greek word, ousia, is thought to connote permanence, to forget the dynamic, and point to the static. I have expressed the opinion that static thinking has its source, not in Greek or other metaphysics, but in any thought or doctrine that gives one-sided attention to logic. The logical ideal of clarity, coherence, and rigor can be pursued with excellent results, provided the pursuit is only part of a larger ongoing investigation that has other resources and fuller goals than logic alone can attain. Admittedly there is to the Posterior Analytics a one-sidedness that concentrates on necessity and slights verifiable possibility; and it was by concentrating on verifiable possibility that modern science proved its superiority to Aristotelian logic. But that logic is so much less than the whole of Aristotle. (193f; Fs) (194; Fs) (notabene)


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