
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Welte (Dogma) -> Lonergan dreht W.s Position um; Perzeptualismus als Seinsvergessenheit

Kurzinhalt: Nicene decree -> forgetful of being because it speaks of ousia; dogmas interpreted by one who habitually dwells in the world of the perceptualist there would be forgetfulness ...

Textausschnitt: 27/12 Welte suspects the Nicene decree to have been forgetful of being because it speaks of ousia and so must mean das beständig Anwesende, das beständig Vorliegende. In these expressions I would distinguish two elements. There is a perceptual element, the presence (Anwesenheit) of what lies before one (Vorliegende). There is a static logical element (Beständigkeit). Though both tie in with the massive problem Plato expressed symbolically in his Parable of the Cave, they do so in different manners and I shall speak of them separately. (193; Fs)
28/12 Is then perceptualism the same as Heidegger's forgetfulness of being? The question supposes Heidegger's meaning to be well known. Let me say very simply that perceptualism is forgetfulness of the inner light, the light that raises questions and, when answers are insufficient, keeps raising further questions. It is the inner light of intelligence that asks what and why and how and what for and, until insight hits the bull's-eye, keeps further questions popping up. It is the inner light of reasonableness that demands sufficient reason before assenting and, until sufficient reason is forthcoming, keeps in your mind the further questions of the doubter. It is the inner light of deliberation that brings you beyond the egoist's question - What's in it for me? - to the moralist's question - Is it really and truly worthwhile? - and if your living does not meet that standard, bathes you in the unrest of an uneasy conscience. (193; Fs) (notabene)
Kommentar eg (02/03/2004): Perceptualismus als Seinsvergessenheit des inneren Lichtes - damit dreht Lonergan Weltes Position, die ja eine Art "geistiger" Perzeptualismus ist, um.
29/12 The ascent from the darkness of the cave to the light of day is a movement from a world of immediacy that is already out there now to a world mediated by the meaningfulness of intelligent, reasonable, responsible answers to questions. (193; Fs) (notabene)


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