
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: commitment - drifters;

Kurzinhalt: What, then, is commitment? Negatively, one might perhaps say that it is absent in the man or woman that just drifts through life,

Textausschnitt: 26/8 What, then, is commitment? Negatively, one might perhaps say that it is absent in the man or woman that just drifts through life, content to do what everyone else is doing, to say what everyone else is saying, to think what everyone else is thinking, where the "everyone else" in question is just drifting too. Out of that company of drifters one steps when one faces the problem of personal existence, that is, when one finds out for oneself that one has to decide for oneself what one is to do with oneself, with one's life, with one's five talents or two or lonely one. (123; Fs) (notabene)


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