
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Mehrdeutigkeit der Erfahrung; Carl Rogers, Jung, Karen Horney, Abraham Maslow

Kurzinhalt: THE AMBIGUITY OF EXPERIENCE; infrastructure - suprastructure; in contrast to Jung, Karen Horney writes: "[...] there is no strict alternative between conscious and unconscious; peak experiences

Textausschnitt: 8/8 What I have illustrated from cognitional theory, also may be illustrated from psychiatry. There is Carl Rogers' client-centered therapy. It aims to provide the patient with an ambiance in which he feels at ease, permits his feelings to emerge, comes to distinguish them from other inner events, to compare different feelings with one another, to add recognition to their recurrence, to bestow names upon them, to manage gradually to encapsulate within a suprastructure of language and knowledge, of confidence and assurance, an infrastructure of feelings that by themselves had been an occasion for turmoil, disorientation, dismay, disorganization. (117; Fs)
10/8 In contrast to Jung, Karen Horney writes: "[...] there is no strict alternative between conscious and unconscious, but [...] there are [...] several levels of consciousness. Not only is the repressed impulse still effective-one of the basic discoveries of Freud-but also in a deeper level of consciousness the individual knows about its presence." After making this point, Karen Horney proceeded to pin it down with a technical term: she would use the word, register, when she meant that we know what is going on within us without our being aware of it. (117f; Fs) (notabene)
... To quote Klages, the thing in question (the matter repressed) is not so much a thing that is not thought as one that is not recognized." (118; Fs)


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