
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Christologie: ontologische oder funktional

Kurzinhalt: A merely functional Christology acknowledges no more than a series of religious events; ... is not strictly ontological

Textausschnitt: 48/6 A second determination of Christological method comes from asking whether New Testament Christology is ontological or functional. Our answer will be that it is neither merely functional nor yet strictly ontological. (86; Fs)
49/6 A merely functional Christology acknowledges no more than a series of religious events. There is factual evidence that people in New Testament and later times believed Jesus to have risen from the dead. Such acts of believing are historically established. They constitute the set of events referred to as Christology. (86f; Fs) (notabene)
50/6 Now this is all true enough but it ignores the notion of salvation history. It is not a factual history of acts of believing. It is history of what happened on the evidence believers discern in the light of faith. But there was no question for the New Testament writers that the Jesus who was condemned and crucified, who died and was buried, also rose from the dead. One may agree with them or one may disagree; but if one disagrees, one will not attempt Christian salvation history; one will limit oneself to factual history. (87; Fs)
51/6 At the same time New Testament Christology is not strictly ontological. It purports to deal with persons that really existed and with events that really occurred. But it does not go into the hermeneutics of its message and, least of all, does it go into that recondite department of hermeneutics that involves one in cognitional theory, epistemology, and metaphysics. (87; Fs) (notabene)


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