
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Das Übernatürliche (Finalität); THE SUPERNATURAL; vertikale Finalität

Kurzinhalt: the infinite absolutely transcends the finite; it regards man's vertical finality to God

Textausschnitt: 11/3 Contemporary English usage commonly associates the supernatural with the spooky. But the term has a far older meaning, to which we have already adverted in speaking of vertical finality. For in a hierarchy of beings, any higher order is beyond the proportion of lower orders and so is relatively supernatural to them. But the infinite absolutely transcends the finite. It follows that the divine order is beyond the proportion of any possible creature and so is absolutely supernatural. (25f; Fs) (notabene)
12/3 Our inquiry is with the absolutely supernatural. It regards man's vertical finality to God. It regards such vertical finality in the strictest sense, so that man is not merely subordinate to God but also somehow enters into the divine life and participates in it. When Rahner writes on Christology within an evolutionary perspective, he very explicitly means that there is a threefold personal self-communication of divinity to humanity, first, when in Christ the Word becomes flesh, secondly, when through Christ men become temples of the Spirit and adoptive sons of the Father, thirdly, when in a final consummation the blessed know the Father as they are known by him. (26; Fs) (notabene)
15/3 Vertical finality is obscure. When it has been realized in full, it can be known. When it is in process, what has been attained can be known, but what has not, remains obscure. When the process has not yet begun, obscurity prevails and questions abound. Is it somehow intimated? Is the intimation fleeting? Does it touch our deepest aspirations? Might it awaken such striving and groaning as would announce a new and higher birth? (26; Fs) (notabene)


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