
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Finalität: absolute, horizontal, vertikal; Evolution

Kurzinhalt: finality: absolute, horizontal, vertical;

Textausschnitt: 4/3 By "finality" I would name not the end itself but relation to the end, and I would distinguish absolute finality, horizontal finality, and vertical finality. (24; Fs)
Absolute finality is to God. For every end is an instance of the good, and every instance of the good has its ground and goal in absolute goodness.
Horizontal finality is to the proportionate end, the end that results from what a thing is, what follows from it, and what it may exact.
Vertical finality is to an end higher than the proportionate end. It supposes a hierarchy of entities and ends. It supposes a subordination of the lower to the higher. Such subordination may be merely instrumental, or participative, or both, inasmuch as the lower merely serves the higher, or enters into its being and functioning, or under one aspect serves and under another participates. (24; Fs)
5/3 The classicist view of the universe acknowledged hierarchy and the instrumental type of vertical finality. An evolutionary view adds the participative type:


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