
Autor: Lawrence, G. Frederick

Buch: Communication and Lonergan

Titel: The Human Good and Christian Conversation

Stichwort: The third wave of modern political philosophy: (a) Nietzsche

Kurzinhalt: abolition of all ideals and aspirations;

Textausschnitt: 24 As the inaugurator of the third wave of modernity, Nietzsche realized that the outcome of both liberal democracy's dedication to preservation and comfort and social democracy's well-fed, well-clothed, well-sheltered human beings with their up-to-date educations, entertainment, and psychiatry would be the abolition of all ideals and aspirations. To the degree that liberalisms of both left and right choose mere life over the good life, they produce the "last man" - healthy, but without heart or convictions. (257; Fs) (notabene)
25 Nietzsche, therefore, has the overwhelming importance of trying to reestablish the importance of the level of liberty and terminal values. He stands just at the threshold of the religiously mediated insight so neatly formulated in the title of the book by Dorothee Sölle: Death by Bread Alone. He sets the stage for the rescuing consciousness of the unorthodox Jew, Walter Benjamin, and for the Christian theologian, Johann Baptist Metz. The latter's short definition for religion is interruption - interruption of the modern project of subjugating human and subhuman nature. But for Nietzsche, Christianity is just Platonism for the masses and all the supports for ultimate values in nature, God, or reason are gone. The only option left open in the face of the abyss is a creative transvaluation of all previous values on the part of solitary individuals creative enough to respond to the implications of the will-to-power, especially, that human beings are originating values in the absolute sense of being able to posit values arbitrarily. In Nietzsche, the most radical breakthrough to the third level of terminal values also presents us with the epitome of human disorientation, rebellion, and disorder. (257f; Fs) (notabene)


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