
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: Ursache für philosophische Differenzen

Kurzinhalt: ... unless the conversion of the subject follows, there will be a conflict between object and subject. The subject will feel that the new theory cannot be true; the root cause of philosophic differences

Textausschnitt: 8/7 But there is a third level of development. The subject of a human science is also one of its objects; and a higher viewpoint on the object, a reformulation of the concepts expressing a fuller understanding of the objects, has implications with regard to the subject himself. A transformation of physics or chemistry, a totally new viewpoint in such a science, involves no change in human living. But in a human science such a transformation has implications for the subject himself. There is not merely transformation in the objects, but also conversion of the subject; and unless the conversion of the subject follows or has been prepared, there will be a conflict between object and subject. The subject will feel that the new theory cannot be true. This third type of development is, I believe, the root cause of philosophic differences. The subject is unprepared to be converted, to transform himself in accord with the corresponding transformation of the human object that has resulted from the development of the human science. (161; Fs)


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