
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Selbsterkenntnis; Subjekt - Objekt

Kurzinhalt: Selbsterkenntnis ist kein Sonderfall des Wissens; aufgrund der Differenz von Wissen und Sein Differenz in der Identität zw. Subjekt als Subjekt und Subjekt als Objekt; 1. Frage: Was tut man beim Erkennen?

Textausschnitt: Further, if these feelings are correctly understood, then the object correctly known is your own feelings. This means that your subjective feelings can become correctly known objects. Similarly, your own subject which is experienced in the act of knowing can become a correctly known object.

() In other words, while there is an identity between you, the knower, making yourself known, and you, the correctly known object, there is not a perfect identity. If there were, you would be creating yourself in the act of knowing yourself. Your being and your knowing would be the very same act.


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